Letter of the Week: M

This week, introduce your child to the letter M by writing both the capital and lowercase version of the letter. Tell him the sound it makes: "Mmmmm...like what you say when something is yummy to eat." Then brainstorm words that start with the M sound. When you come to the word "marble," help your child make the letter M out of marbles. Then choose from the activities below

For more about Letter of the Week activities, click here.

* M is for Monster (see also; also here and here)
* Monster shape craft
* Monster mouth craft
* Monster cardboard box craft
* Monster toilet paper tube craft
* Monster paper craft
* Monster counting (also here)
* M is for Manger


* M is for Mittens
* Mitten lacing
* M is for Monkey (see also; also here)
* Monkey puppets
* Monkey mask
* Monkey paper plate craft
* Bendable Monkey craft
* Monkey paper craft
* Monkey snack
* M is for Macaroni
* M is for Mouse (see also)
* Mouse shape activity
* Mouse snack
* M is for Mountain
* M is for Marshmallows
* M is for Music - a free lesson plan
* M is for Map
* Phases of the Moon activity - plus other moon activities
* Moon paper plate craft
* M is for M&Ms
* M is for Moose
* Moose hand print craft
* Mushroom footprint craft
 * Phonics: The Letter M
* Sesame Street: Letter M
* Sesame Street: Letter M Monster Meal
* Sesame Street: Letter M Day
* Sesame Street: M for Monsters
* Sesame Street: Special Letters Unit
* Sesame Street: Kermit Draws the Letter M

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